Friday, October 4, 2019

New Welcome Garden Plant List

The Dracut Garden Club is looking for donations of the following plants for the new Welcome Garden being installed at the Town Hall.  Some will be planted this fall and the rest will be planted in spring of 2020.

Please call 978-685-7306 or message us on Facebook before purchasing or digging up any of your plants!!

Itea virginica* (sweetspire) (3) purchased  

Ilex glabra* (inkberry) (2)  purchased

3  Picea pungens* (blue globe spruce) (1)   1 purchased
4  Chamaecyparis obtusa (Hinoki cypress) (1)   1 purchased

Veronica peduncularis ‘Georgia Blue’(16)
Penstemon digitalis* ‘Husker Red’(9)  LC has 9 to donate

Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’ (daylily) (7)   Cheryl P has several potted for us
Iris ensata ‘Variegata’(6)
Schizachyrium scoparium* (little bluestem) (2)   2 purchased

10 Eupatorium purpureum* (Joe Pye weed) (6)
11 Leucanthemum (shasta daisy) (9)

12 Rudbeckia fulgida* (Black-eyed Susan) (8)

13 Asclepias tuberosa* (butterfly weed) (5)   2 purchased; LC has a few small plants to donate

14 Sedum spectabile ‘Autumn Fire’(2)   Kathy G has good-sized Autumn Joy she can donate

15 Echinacea purpureum* (coneflower) (7)

16 Liatris spicata* 'Kobold’ (5)   Kathy G has 1 group of purple liatris, not sure of specific genus she can donate

17 Achillea millefolium* Pomegranate’ (yarrow) (8)

18 Alchemilla mollis (Lady's mantle) (8)
19 Creeping Sedum (11)  Kathy G can donate several different kinds

20 Creeping thyme(15)

Foundation plantings:

21  Juniperus scopulorum* 'Wichita Blue ' (juniper) (2)   purchased

22  Hydrangea arborescens* 'Annabelle' (4) purchased 6 as they were smaller than anticipated    

We appreciate and will acknowledge any and all donations!!

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