Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Time to Repot Houseplants

Now is a good time to report your houseplants, especially if you did not do so last fall. Remove any soil with salt build-up (the crusty stuff on top) and some of the old soil from around the roots. The pot should be only 1-2 inches larger than the current pot, clean, and with good drainage. Most houseplants are happy with commercial or homemade potting mix if you are a do-it-your-selfer (Google ‘Cornell potting mix’). Be certain to add sand to any mix when transplanting succulents or cacti and use small bark chunks for orchid pots. Once securely in the new home, water them with a dilute fertilizer solution to help them settle in and get off to a growing start.


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Spring Wake-Up Call

With more sunlight coming in the windows, your houseplants should be waking up. If you haven’t already, begin fertilizing lightly (see the photo for an idea of fertilizer strength) to feed the new growth. Don’t forget to keep the humidity up with misting or pebble trays—our homes remain very dry as long as the heating systems are on. Trim off any ragged or weary leaves – the plant will look better immediately, and the new leaves will have room and light to grow.


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Enjoy Spring 2023 and Envision 2024

Take a walk around your yard (staying off muddy ground) and enjoy the earliest flowers. Witch hazels (Hamamelis) are in bloom and cornelian dogwood (Cornus mas) are close behind. As the ground warms, look for hellebore blooms to put in an appearance along with the early bulbs such as snowdrops, Siberian squills and crocus. Don’t have any planted bulbs or early shrubs? Make notes on where they would look great (and where the snow melts more quickly), take photos of the best sites, and tag them so you don’t forget where to plant this autumn for the spring of 2024.