November 2015
November 3
Listen for woodpeckers drumming on tree trunks; they are not only foraging for insects but also enlarging their cavities as seasonal shelter.
November 7
Robins forage for berries in wild cherry, dogwood, sumac, and viburnum.
November 8
Woolly bears, bristly black and bronze caterpillars of the Isabella tiger moth, are now likely frozen solid and will thaw out in the spring. According to myth, the length of their central stripe predicts the duration of the coming winter.
November 12
Field, vesper, chipping, and Savannah sparrows depart this month for their wintering grounds.
November 14
Yellow-rumped warblers are migrating through Massachusetts.
November 25
Full moon. The Dark Moon (Celtic).
November 28
Watch for wintering snow buntings and juncos in fields and open areas searching for seeds on withered golden grasses.
November 30
Observe wildlife tracks after snowfall—you may find prints left by foxes and skunks, or even fishers and coyotes.
Excerpt taken from Mass Audubon's Outdoor Almanac
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