Wednesday, February 28, 2018

2018 Season Kick-off Meeting!

Join us for our first meeting of the season! We will be discussing seed starting and spring garden prep. Bring seeds to swap and share...and start seeds for our gardens, and if you want, the spring plant sale! Kathy will be going over the revised bylaws and upcoming meetings and events. 

Hope to see you there! 

Bring a friend! We welcome new members and friends of the garden!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Good news about winter moths

Did you notice there were fewer winter moths about? Researchers have been releasing parasitic flies in several New England states. ​Along with the feeding of some native in-ground ​beetle on the winter moth pupa, the numbers are definitely down and that is great news for our oaks, maples, blueberries and many other trees and shrubs.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Forcing blooms

Time to cut branches to force indoors. Start with forsythia, witch hazel, and pussy willows; later look for quince and small branches from cherry trees to brighten your home.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Winter Pruning

Now is a good time to do your winter pruning. Start with any plant that has been damaged during earlier storms. If a tree is so damaged it needs to be removed, have an arborist do the work before the ground thaws in the spring. Next tackle fruit trees, grapes and evergreens to have them done before the spring growth spurt begins. Do not prune any spring or early summer bloomers—you’ll be cutting off the flowers.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Instead of chemicals...

Ice melting chemicals and road salt will soak into the ground during thaws where they will kill plants when they begin growing again in the spring. Instead of chemicals, use cat litter, sand or other non-toxic materials on sidewalks and driveways.