September 2015
September 1
Bumblebees busily search for nectar and pollen in late-season blossoms. They slow down with colder weather, sometimes resting inside the center of a flower.
September 9
Praying mantises are camouflaged in high grasses and garden patches.
September 10
Broad-winged and sharp-shinned hawks migrate at about this time of year.
September 12
Eastern kingbirds and olive-sided flycatchers have departed for their wintering grounds in South America.
September 23
Autumnal equinox; days and nights are of equal length.
September 25
Look for late-blooming goldenrods and New England aster in fields and on roadsides.
September 27
The last of the ruby-throated hummingbirds have left for Mexico and Central America.
September 28
Second supermoon of the year. This is even closer than last month’s giant full moon, appearing larger and more brilliant.
September 30
Watch for green darner dragonflies over sunny meadows.
Excerpt taken from Mass Audubon's Outdoor Almanac
Eurybia divaricata/Aster divaricatus/ White Wood Aster |
Solidago caesia / axillary goldenrod |
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